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About AAU Innovation

AAU Innovation supports Aalborg University's core activities: research, education, and knowledge collaboration. Our units help ensure an entrepreneurial environment and ecosystem at Aalborg University that supports ambitious entrepreneurs.

About AAU Innovation

AAU Innovation supports Aalborg University's core activities: research, education, and knowledge collaboration. Our units help ensure an entrepreneurial environment and ecosystem at Aalborg University that supports ambitious entrepreneurs.

AAU Innovation consists of four units that provide a range of services, including workshops, mentoring, and guidance in innovation and entrepreneurship for researchers, lecturers, and students at Aalborg University.

  • Technology Transfer Office
  • AAU Student Entrepreneurship
  • INNOVATE Event and Support
  • Communication and Management support

Our main task is to support students and researchers at Aalborg University in transforming entrepreneurial ideas into practical solutions and viable business models.

We strive to make innovation, entrepreneurship, and knowledge about the commercial utilization of research widely available at AAU. By doing so, we aim to support the practical application and commercialization of the university's knowledge for the benefit of society.

In other words, AAU Innovation help ensure an entrepreneurial ecosystem at AAU, and contribute to the establishment of new research-based and innovative businesses that can pave the way for useful and sustainable solutions in the future.

Technology transfer

We support entrepreneurial utilization of research and ensure companies and investors easy access to knowledge and technologies that can make a difference in society.


We help ensure an entrepreneurial mindset and culture at Aalborg University and support students, researchers and teachers turning innovative and entrepreneurial ideas into useful solutions and viable business models.

Knowledge collaboration

We help build bridges between education, research and the outside world and support Aalborg University's vision of creating knowledge for the world. We contribute to the utilization of new knowledge and to ensure that AAU remains a leader in knowledge collaboration with the surrounding society.

A department with one mission

AAU Innovation's units work individually and together to ensure entrepreneurial skills among students, teachers, and researchers at Aalborg University. Our work is based on one common mission, to ensure the entrepreneurial culture and mindset at AAU.

Read more about AAU Innovation's units

AAU Innovation

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us at your convenience by phone or email. We welcome the opportunity to assist you and look forward to hearing from you.

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AAU Innovation

Contact us

Please feel free to contact us at your convenience by phone or email. We welcome the opportunity to assist you and look forward to hearing from you.

Get contact details of our entire team here