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Scenario Maker

A multi-sequential narrative generation engine

Published online: 12.09.2023

Scenario Maker in use

Scenario Maker is a web-application able of stitching videos together with interactive choices to create fully interactive movies, video-based questionnaires, and research scenarios.

Scenario Maker

A multi-sequential narrative generation engine

Published online: 12.09.2023

Scenario Maker in use

Scenario Maker is a web-application able of stitching videos together with interactive choices to create fully interactive movies, video-based questionnaires, and research scenarios.

By Trine Reinholt Andersen, AAU Technology Transfer Office

Video scenarios has in the last ten years seen a high rise in use within market research and future foresight of technology development. However, most video scenario tools are static, thus, limiting the ability to track data, test dynamic technologies, and enable a strategic design. Contrary, more flexible interactive scenario tools are currently technically complex and time consuming to produce, often requiring manual coding and embedding.

Scenario Maker is a new, research-based online tool which operates through a simple, visual interface enabling the user to produce interactive videos in a much easier and faster way. The software tool allows the user to design both the interactivity, structure, and meta-information of a video scenario with ease. The software operates without hosting the video materials which means no render time for the user.


The front-end design and system architecture of Scenario Maker is developed by Associate Professor Peter Vistisen from the Department of Communication and Psychology at Aalborg University where he’s part of the research group InDiMedia (Center for Interaktive Digitale Medier & Oplevelsesdesign).

The idea behind Scenario Maker is based on several years of research focused on examining the relationship between different tools for user-centered innovation and the impact it can have on creative decision-making about new and emerging technologies.

Through consistency analysis, the software tool is able to examine all possible developments in a multifaceted external environment and hence, identify alternative futures shaped by these developments. A comprehensive map visualizes the different scenarios for the users which then can be selected for further analysis making the tool ideal for both interactive movies (entertainment, e-learning, transmedia experiences etc.), gamelike concepts, video-based questionaries, or even for prediction of research scenarios.

Scenario Maker - Example from platform


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As a browser-based, platform agnostic the Scenario Maker can run on both low-end and high-end hardware contrary to other more resource heavy tools. Furthermore, Scenario Maker does not require content to be uploaded directly on the platform but contrary draws from external providers such as YouTube or Vimeo which enables GDPR compliant uses.

Through the comprehensive and informative scenario visualizations and maps provided on the platform to the user, the Scenario Maker can introduce new, differentiated, and even unexpected scenarios for the user, improving strategic decisions and promoting futures thinking.


The Scenario Maker project is looking to expand its use cases, to understand the needs, preferences, and possibilities of the software. Furthermore, this will enhance the user experience long term as the insights from these use cases will be applied to further improve the overall user experience of the Scenario Maker.

As of 2023, three areas of application have been identified:

  1. 1

    Education: To create interactive learning materials, virtual field trips, or immersive training scenarios.

  2. 2

    Market Research: The ability to conduct market research to develop video-based questionnaires and research scenarios for gathering consumer insights.

  3. 3

    Entertainment: Filmmakers or game developers can use the tool to create interactive movies or video-based games with multiple storyline options.

The alpha version of the Scenario Maker is open for testing via the link below.

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