Power Sentinel
Power Sentinel: Safeguarding future power grids
Published online: 18.06.2024

Power Sentinel
Power Sentinel: Safeguarding future power grids
Published online: 18.06.2024

Power Sentinel
Published online: 18.06.2024
Power Sentinel
Published online: 18.06.2024
By Subham Swaroop Sahoo, AAU Energy and Trine Reinholt Andersen, AAU Technology Transfer Office
In today’s increasingly digitalized and electrified society specifically focusing on the green transition, electricity availability and grid reliability are two key factors. To ensure this, many power grids are being digitalized to improve operational efficiency and integrate a variety of renewable energy sources.
However, while this digitalization offers a range of benefits, it also poses a significant threat within cyberattacks. As more grids, devices, networks, and systems become intertwined, the risk of cyberattacks increases exponentially. Today, such cyberattacks can also emerge in the physical layer, such as high-power electromagnetic attacks, which can cause both immense proprietary and physical damage and trigger system blackouts in a few milliseconds, potentially incurring socio-economic repercussions costing billions of dollars.
To combat this unsolved threat, there’s a need for innovative cybersecurity systems with domain knowledge of both the power electronics and control systems to provide constant protection.
Power Sentinel is the world’s first non-invasive safeguard shield device for the power and energy sector providing full-proof protection of energy sources from cyber-physical threats arising out of the increased digitalization.
Today, most cybersecurity solutions are limited only to defending the communication layer, e.g. firewall protection and antivirus. But, if the communication layer security is breached, the control layer can be attacked as well – something that may easily go unnoticed and, thus, create a big security gap.
Power Sentinel solves this problem, as the device unifies both layers via an innovative event-driven signal filtering technology able to detect the attacked components of the layer and remove them from the system immediately.
The device provides an easy plug and play installation into power electronic converters while it significantly:
➡ Reduces resources and sharing of critical data by 40%
➡ Improves response time - 3 times faster
➡ Reduces design time by 5 times
Power Sentinel not only protects but also repairs the control layer by providing immediate recovery during cyberattacks by injecting reconstructed electrical measurements from its output.
One of the main barriers for cybersecurity system adoption within the sector are the lack of data sharing. Particularly distribution system operators (DSOs) are at risk of cyberattacks, however, as many DSOs are not keen to sharing their data, it is hard to design suitable cybersecurity solutions to mitigate the risk of attacks.
The inventor of Power Sentinel, Assistant Professor Subham Sahoo
The non-invasive technology behind Power Sentinel is inspired by event-driven automation theory and signal processing techniques, allowing the device to learn intrinsic parameters only from the control objective without the need of model parameters or data. The choice is driven by the beforementioned strict data sharing regulations within the sector which has resulted in a design gap between current technologies and the market need.
With a constant increase in frequency of cyberattacks every year, Power Sentinel is a much-needed solution with its non-invasive and modular design and no requirement of system information, data, or resources, serving as an easy plug and play device for power grid operators, data centers, PV farms, microgrids, etc.
Power Sentinel has been supported with an Innoexplorer grant on DKK 1,5 mio from Innovation Fund Denmark in April 2024. The technology is based on years of research from Assistant Professor Subham Swaroop Sahoo from AAU Energy.
The AAU Technology Transfer Office has been part of the initial process of uncovering the potential of the technology, including IPR rights, preparing the business model, as well as the Innoexplorer application and setting the team around the technology in collaboration with Subham.